He wrote this essay for the 2011 Ag Day Essay Contest.
Every day millions of people go to the grocery store in search for the freshest foods. They go to the produce isle and pick out firm tomatoes, crisp lettuce, and then move to the dairy isle to find their type of milk and cheese. They then head over to the meat section where they order their lean roast beef and honey smoked ham. American consumers have several options in the grocery store, and can usually find their needs for their price. However, many of these people do not know the story of how these luxurious products are produced.
Although Americans benefit from agriculture multiple times a day, they have little understanding of where these goods come from. For example, less than two percent of Americans are involved in agriculture (csrees.usda.gov), which means that 98 percent of the population is not involved in the progression of clothing and feeding the world. Today we are fortunate that farmers can produce a larger quantity for the consumer demanded low price. In the year 2050 the United States’ population will double (novusint.com). Advances in agriculture help the farmer meet the demands of an ever growing population. The average person is two generations removed from the farm (naicc.org). This leaves majority of consumers uneducated about their food supply.
The average famer can produce a larger quantity of products than in previous years. Whether it is GPS systems in combines, fancy irrigation systems, or cows that milk themselves, technology plays a huge role in agriculture today. Because these advancements are producing more goods, the cost is affordable for the consumer. In 2008, Americans spent only 9.6 percent of their disposable income on food, in comparison to in 1995 when they spent almost double that (iowafarmbureau.com). Farmers in the United States produce the safest, most affordable food supply (faqs.org).
Agriculture affects everybody in the world. We are very fortunate to be living in America where we never have to doubt the farmer’s ability to put food on my and your family’s table. Farmers run a 24 hour, seven day a week operation with no sick days, no holidays, and no snow days. Everyone should be thankful for American Agriculture: Your Food. Your Farmer.
Works Cited
faqs.org. Date reviewed- Jan. 3rd. http://www.faqs.org/nutrition/Pre-Sma/Regulatory-Agencies.html
iowafarmbureau.com. Date reviewed- Dec. 26th
novusint.com. Date reviewed- Jan 1st . http://www.novusint.com/
Good job on the video. Great message, thanks for sharing.
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