Thursday, November 25, 2010

Where is agriculture going?

America’s farmers and ranchers produce a safe, affordable, and wholesome food supply for the growing population.  Consumers demand low food prices, therefore farmers strive to produce a large quantity of food in an efficient manner.   As a result, farmers must own larger operations to make a living.  Yet 98 percent of farms are still family owned.  Some people think that farmers farm to get rich yet any farmer knows there are better ways to achieve that.  Real farmers farm because they enjoy and choose that lifestyle. 

As a senior in the College of Agriculture Food and Natural Resources I’ve learned firsthand what the next generation has in mind.  I have the opportunity to visit daily with peers of all different majors (animal science, agriculture business, agriculture journalism, pre-vet, agriculture education, agriculture economics, etc.) they all understand the importance of the future of agriculture.  Agriculture feeds, clothes and provides shelter for the world’s growing population.  In the year 2050 the world’s population is predicted to have doubled.  Currently only two percent of the world is involved in agriculture and majority of people are 2-3 generations removed from the farm with the average farmer being 56 years old.  This year approximately 57,000 students will graduate with degrees in agriculture with there being 58,000 job openings.  It is clear that the future rest in the hands of today’s agriculture enthusiasts. 
I recently participated in a contest with Ag Connect.  I was selected as a finalist for their Next Generation of Ag category.  As a finalist I received a flip camera to advocate for agriculture.  My first video has been posted at the link below. Please check it out and be sure to vote for my video!
This Thanksgiving I am not only thankful for my family and friends but also for the farmers and ranchers that feed and clothe us!

1 comment:

  1. Great job Erin and good luck! I have voted for you a couple of times. It is always nice to be recognized for hard work. Keep on telling your story.
